The First Sleepwalker

“It’s definitely her, but something’s wrong. It’s like she’s barely there, barely Niamh. I don’t think she remembers. Someone really did a number on her. How long did you say she was dead?”


You’re born. You live by Meliora’s commandments. Then you die, and that’s a wrap. Life’s certainties.

Only, nothing is certain for Alexandria Niamh Murphy.

Three years ago, she woke up naked and delirious on the frigid dark side of Machina, the only planet in the Lady Luxuriant’s galaxy-spanning Garden where even weeds won’t grow. Ever since, she’s struggled to stay invisible while she searches for evidence of a life before Machina. But the Eye of Meliora is always watching, and the Hands of the Goddess are not kind to those who ask questions. If there are answers, she won’t find them planetside.

Alex embarks on a quest for answers, surrounded by determined inquisitors, protective strongmen, smiling data brokers, helpful Seers, a painfully familiar goddess, and something called the Niamh Affair, which even inquisitors are loath to discuss. As magic and prophesy become her reality, she can’t shake the feeling that she’s been through this before. That she knows how this ends.

But, hey. If you’ve died once, you’ve done it a hundred times.

Coming Fall 2024

Cover art pending …